What is Whois?

What is Whois?

What is the domain name Whois information?
Each domain name (domain name) registration is created to determine the right owner, financial and technical officer of the application domain name, and sent to the registrar through the registrar and includes the single person or company name, telephone, e-mail and physical addresses ( domain) is called whois information.

How does Whois lookup work?
Domain whois query is given to the relevant Registrar or official registrars hosting the whois question with special agreements over the authorized ip addresses, again specially set up and transmitting to the database where the security conditions are given.

What is a confidential whois record / information?
The credentials of some domains are hidden. This is referred to as the domain whois protection. In order to reach the owners or financial or technical managers of domain names with Whois protection, it is necessary to be about the proxy (proxy) that assumes the confidentiality of whois information.
Its whois protection service provider, in accordance with ICANN rules, to make the forwarded notifications delivered on its own to the real owner of the domain name it conceals. In this obligation, since the declaration is considered essential, in order to reach the real owner of domain names whose whois information is hidden, the accuracy and timeliness of the contact information is primarily owned by the owner of the domain name.

17/01/2021 20:51